1. Viesturs Kairišs / Topic - Reliable news from Latvia - LSM
Lsm.lv news portal section «Viesturs Kairišs». Most recent content and news on the theme «Viesturs Kairišs». September 2024.
Lsm.lv news portal section «Viesturs Kairišs». Most recent content and news on the theme «Viesturs Kairišs».
2. Viestur Kairish - Wikiwand
Viestur Kairish is a Latvian opera, movie and theatre director. He has made a successful career in Latvia and Germany as an acclaimed director of operas.
Viestur Kairish is a Latvian opera, movie and theatre director. He has made a successful career in Latvia and Germany as an acclaimed director of operas. The mo...
3. Film on Soviet deportations to vie for award in Tallinn
"The key motif of the film is the heart-rending story of the deported Latvian women, who had to endure life in Siberia, overcome the suffering and survive to ...
On November 21 Viesturs Kairišs' film Melānijas hronikas ('The Chronicles of Melany') - based on the life of Melānija Vanaga, a Latvian writer who survived deportation to Siberia - will see its intern...
4. MISTRUS MEDIA | europeanproducerclub
Feature drama JANUARY produced by Mistrus Media (Latvia, Poland, Lithuania), directed by Viesturs Kairišs premiered at the International Narrative ...
Mistrus Media (established in 2000) is one of the leading Latvian film production companies, working on international co-productions of feature films and documentaries (producing with Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Russia, Portugal, Serbia), TV projects and film production and location services for foreign productions (Latvia has a cash rebate of up to 40%). Mistrus Media was included in the Euro 75 list of the independent production companies selected by Screen International in honour of Cannes Film Festival’s 75th anniversary.
5. Exit, pursued by a panda: the Brits bringing eye-popping Shakespeare ...
27 mei 2024 · ... Viesturs Kairišs. It opens with Hermione pleasuring herself to VR porn, reimagines Bohemia as a deadly video game and turns theatre's most ...
The Winter’s Tale is retold with a virtual reality plot set in Silicon Valley and hardly any lines from the original, staged at a bold Latvian theatre elevating English talent
6. January: La recensione del film di Viesturs Kairišs - HotCorn.com
12 mrt 2024 · January | Kãrlis Arnolds Avots, Viesturs Kairišs e i sogni di cinema in tempo di guerra ... I Goonies e la vera storia di Sloth | La nuova puntata ...
Tre giovani cineasti, Bergman, Jarmusch, l'indipendenza della Lettonia. January, con Kãrlis Arnolds Avots e Alise Danovska. Al cinema con Minerva Pictures
7. Viesturs Kairišs: Hermaņa kungs, tiksimies tiesā, jo jūs melojat | tv3.lv
7 jun 2023 · Dailes teātris, reaģējot uz medijos pārpublicēto Jaunā Rīgas teātra mākslinieciskā vadītāja Alvja Hermaņa ierakstu viņa privātajā sociālajā ...
Dailes teātris, reaģējot uz medijos pārpublicēto Jaunā Rīgas teātra mākslinieciskā vadītāja Alvja Hermaņa ierakstu viņa privātajā sociālajā tīklā “Instagram” 6. jūnijā teikto par to, ka Dailes teātris pārpērk jaunos aktierus, noliedz apvainojumus un uzsver, ka Hermanis melo.
8. International Theater News for June 11, 2024 - Jaques
11 jun 2024 · Led since 2020 by adventurous artistic director Viesturs Kairišs ... hot-headed panda.” (Writer-director James has worked as an associate ...
Ambitious international programming in Latvia, an updated edition of the Theatre Green Book, Muriel's Wedding in Leicester, and more
9. 'We have never been so united again.' Latvian filmmaker revives ...
12 jan 2023 · Hot air balloon in Vilnius. News 1 d ago. Hot air balloon flights ... Viesturs Kairišs / M. Endriuška. “The reaction of the Latvian people ...
January 13, 1991, is the most important date in the history of modern Latvia, says Latvian filmmaker, theatre and opera ...
10. Cinema Troisi - Minerva Pictures
'To Leslie' by Michael Morris and 'January' by Viesturs Kairišs finally in cinemas! 10 April 2024. To Leslie (2023), the eagerly awaited directorial debut ...
All News
11. Dailes Theatre begins it's 104th season / Article / LTDS
5 okt 2023 · In November, on the stage of Big Hall we will see a work of symbolism titled Spīdolas nakts (Night of Spīdola) directed by Viesturs Kairišs.
The season will open in the Big Hall with staging of Leopoldstatd written by ser Tom Stoppard and directed by American actor John Malkovich. This work boldly examines what it means to be different – a stranger among strangers, not only in one's own eyes bu...
12. [PDF] Estonian Documentaries 2023-2024 - filmi.ee
(2011), One Hot Summer Day(2012) and Pearls of the Black Sea(2014) ... Aside from his work on the theatre stage, Viesturs Kairišs has written and direct-.
13. Arvustus. "Metsik lõuna" annab koondpildi Eesti ühiskonnast 2024 ...
8 mei 2024 · ... Viesturs Kairišs ("Eluteelised"), Ülo Pikkov ("Õmblusmasin"), Carl ... Valgas toimub suvel esmakordselt lühifilmide festival Valga Hot Shorts ...
Uus filmLühidokumentaalfilmide kassett "Metsik lõuna"Režissöörid: Andris Gauja ("Vaatamise kunst"), Eva Kübar ("Hilda Ha. Võrgust väljas"), Andrei Paounov ("Parim päev karakatile"), Maria Aua ("Jõgi ja kass"), Jaan Tootsen ("Ellujäämise kunstnikud"), Viesturs Kairišs ("Eluteelised"), Ülo Pikkov ("Õmblusmasin"), Carl Olsson ("Maja")Esilinastus 4. mail kaheksas eri paigas Lõuna-Eestis
14. [PDF] Specifically Latvian
5 apr 2012 · counterparts of the faraway 1990ies (Viesturs Kairišs,. Gatis Šmits ... The. 'hot potato' he did not shy away from was the fate of.
30 mei 2024 · ... Viesturs Kairišs. It opens with Hermione pleasuring herself to VR ... hot-headed panda. Time's “swift passage” speech, fast-forwarding ...
(Chris Wiegand’s article appeared in the Guardian, 5/27; Photo: Not your traditional Shakespeare … Winter’s Tale at Dailes theatre. Latvia. Photograph: Marcis Baltskars.) The Winter’s Tale is…
16. Lithuania - Cineuropa
Lithuania ; Review: Mariupolis 2 · 20/05/2022 | Cannes 2022 | Special Screenings ; Review: Burial · 03/05/2022 | Hot Docs 2022 ; Viesturs Kairišs' latest effort, ...
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema
17. Kairišs: Patriotisms nozīmē neļaut ievēlētajiem politiķiem “tevi vazāt ...
11 nov 2022 · ... intervijā “900 sekundēm” sacīja režisors, Dailes teātra mākslinieciskais vadītājs Viesturs Kairišs.
Nevar būt patriots tikai nedēļā no 11. līdz 18. novembrim, patriotisms nozīmē augstas prasības un kritiku attiecībā pret ievēlēto valdību, neļaut Saeimā ievēlētajiem politiķiem sevi vazāt aiz deguna, intervijā “900 sekundēm” sacīja režisors, Dailes teātra mākslinieciskais vadītājs Viesturs Kairišs.
18. Review: Ring Cycle in Riga, Latvia, June 2013 | Wagner Society
Premier of this production 21 April 2006, performed at the Riga Opera Festival on 4 June 2013; Die Walküre, director Viesturs Kairišs.